Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

How does a rhino pick its nose?Today, Mojo had a field trip. He and his class went to the Cleveland Zoo. Somehow I was pressed into service as a parent-helper. Some help I was.

The rain held off for us, mostly, so we got to see most of the park. Mojo held his nose in the elephant house, stood at the glass fascinated by the fruit-bats, and stopped frequently at such compelling distractions as sewer grates and rocks alongside the pathways.

Monkeys at the zoo.Also of note was something Mojo said yesterday, sort of about this trip. The sitter was leaving and she said to him: "You'll have to tell me all about the zoo when I'm here on Friday."

Without much of a pause Mojo said: "Okay, but I won't talk about you at the zoo."

It took me a few seconds to compute how he'd turned her question all the way around; I'm not sure if she even caught his response.

That's a strange kid. He seemed to have fun today, him and his little pals.