Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saw a bumper sticker this morning that said "Tolerance." And I thought: "Yeah, we need more of that." In fact, we ought to round up all those intolerant types and make them pay. Really show them who's boss.

I'm still waiting to hear about Frylock's most recent dream sequence. I hear it is very bizarre. Can't be as strange as the one where the part of Don Vito was played by Morgan Freeman who was falling-down drunk at a wedding and unable to help me find the rightful owner of the shoe I had found on the sidewalk outside the church.

And the very next night I dreamt that Uncle Lenny was being interviewed on 60 Minutes, alongside a long-haired Tony Orlando-looking character named Bonio who had faked his own death and lived beneath Lenny's floorboards with his wretched wife, coming out only occasionally to smoke on the front porch of 1522. Lenny did his best to explain it all to the interviewer, but I even I was unconvinced.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bazzukajoe is right: you can't reason people out of positions they haven't reasoned themselves into. Which is why the corporate media is destined for bankruptcy (the sooner the better). It makes no difference if they mean well: they're wrong, and they're doing harm.

Any "right to be fed" cannot be enforced without abrogating one’s "right to feed oneself." The logic has general applicability to any "positive right." Totally unworkable.

Okay, that makes me a hate-monger. But where would you rather live? In a neighborhood populated by tea-party protesters? Or G-20 protesters?

Maybe a better question is who would you rather work for? Because these days you're not allowed to work for yourself.
Kids grow up so fast these days. Bazzukajoe was already a teen-ager when he was seen coming out of the bathroom every five minutes holding a plunger. (And looking really exhausted, I might add.)
Steve was at a dinner party where Arepa's-Czars and NYT came up and he said nothing? Douche.... Well actually
I too decline to discuss those subjects as people get very heated. What is beyond understanding is how people will be so adamant and passionate about something (healthcare) that they really don't entirely comprehend. Nothing against those people because half our elected officials don't get it either and yet its still working its way through. Is it not fundamentaly wrong to pass something no one can clearly explain to the public?Wow.

So i went to sanibel island for a few days last week with the kids. They loved it. There was a great deal of freedom to roam the beach and the house we stayed in, freedom that they do not normally have at home. Our place was steps from the beach. It was really nice and rained only once. They got to make castles and collect shells and go swimming. We came home with a pile of seashells. We went with Pat and Heidi. They do not get to spend a lot of time with thier cousin angelina. Angelina is a petitie flower and does everything on her own time and is methodical about it. She is also used to being the only child. Christian is a giant monkey wrench . If you sit down on the floor anywhere near him you can bet he is going to go for the 3 count regardless of your size. He is a rather rough boy and his sister is accustomed to telling him stop. and he will listen if you but that is a full time job. Watching what hes doing and stopping him every five minutes so he does not stand on the glass coffee table or shut the TV every 10 seconds or pick up your coffee and walk across the house to find you or , oh is that your toy ---not today angelina, wow exhausting. Every 5 minutes he came out of the bathroom with the plunger. we laughed a lot. He never gave up on trudging those stubby legs thru the sand.
He is almost the same size as ellexa and they were the same size shoe. weird. hes a brute.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeah, I'm feeling the Gleichschaltung... It was thick-blue-line in mid-town yesterday. Happens a lot when the circus comes to town. For some reason, the hotel across the street is often selected to be the menagerie. Clinton visited most often, locking down the streets and snarling the traffic. Bush came at least once -- I remember the curbside holding pens filled with jeering protesters. They were some angry people: it was around the time Bush choked on a pretzel. So the protesters were holding up big pretzel signs. Get it? A little joke about hoping he'd die of asphyxiation. Funny. (Can't make jokes like that today or you might make Nancy Pelosi cry... or at least choke up.)

Anyway, I escaped the city with only subway delays on my way to Astoria to hang a few minutes with Andre and pick up the obligatory black and white cookies on my way to LGA. Got home after dark, but not so late that I couldn't help Cookie with his science homework. But I was hungry -- so I grabbed that stub-end of the cheese block and a few slices of genoa salami. I ate while leaning over his shoulder and checking his work. By the time we were done he was waving me off complaining that I was talking to him with cheese breath. Or maybe salami breath. Both, really.

And just a couple of quick questions about Cleveland airport. First, why does Terminal C smell like urine? Second, why is Terminal D in the next county?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I'm generally not an Apple computer fan-boy. Not that I have anything against them, it's just that I use my files and apps differently. But I have made much use of the iTouch. And today my Apple TV arrived. Had it out of the box and running in 15 minutes (would have been five if they'd made the MAC address easier to find so I could clear it with my router).

Anyway, we've been playing with it all night. We dropped the cable tv recently (saving money in tough times!), so the boys were happy to see that many of the shows they like are available for purchase. We might even buy a few. (Actually, I made sure the cable company knew that my preference was a la carte channel selection -- which no cable company provides... because not enough people have dropped their service... yet.)

Cookie and Mojo are getting to be big fans of Ren & Stimpy.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

All those czars sharing offices with all those bolsheviks. He really is the faith healer they told us he was!
A lotta talk about the 35 czars in the new administration, and after all is said and done I only have one question: if Obama creates a special council for Quality of Water And Sewage, would that be (are you ready?) the QWA-CZAR? I know what your saying..."Frylock, you reached awfully hard for such a third rate pun"...but I just don't hear the word "quasar" enough anymore...or "perfunctory", thats another excellent word. I attended a wonderful dinner party last night, and some surprising political speak developed at the table...I respectfully declined my option to weigh in, as I recognized any contribution I could make would probably incite a riot. Anyway, the dinner conversation was truly enlightening, I learned how to prepare a delicious corn arepa...and that this year's ballooning federal budget deficit were in fact caused by the two Bush administrations. First I re-examined the constitution to see if a President could pass a spending bill, then I analyzed a historical timeline of our US national debt, unfortunately the evidence still seemed virtually invisible to me... but then I realized the reason: a low-brow shnook like myself just can't comprehend the advanced mechanics of government the way an avid New York Times reader can. Anyway, Aunt Marie has succesfully passed through that imaginary porthole of the Facebook Realm. Im really excited about this: not that I can communicate better, I can just drive the 7 miles to Spumoni for that...but because of the faces I'm hoping will show up on her Friends List: Mrs. Sussman, Mary Malloy, Sister Genevieve, Eddie the Ice Cream Man, and of course Rita Bueti and Joe Gagalia. Time for me to get back to work.
Interesting: in the past couple of weeks I've had several people volunteer their opinion about how dreadful those radio talk show hosts are.

As for people in actual positions of power implementing dreadful public policies... they had only support.

Which is fascinating: it's okay to denounce commentators they never listen to; but it's not okay to criticize policymakers whose work causes tangible harms to everyone. (What did that other joking fool commentator recently say? That people are angry because government is about to help the poor? If only. Government's plan is designed, intentionally or not, to manufacture more poor.)

I guess that's what statism looks like: you gotta support the regime. Sheesh. Too bad the constitution is dead: limited government was a really good idea. It ought to be re-instituted.

Unlike Frylock. Who ought to be institutionalized. (But not before I can get that cappicola sangweech and walk it out onto the pier.)

Monday, September 07, 2009

Well, Steve, the stimulus probably has been a rousing success -- for those whose intention it was to "spread the wealth around." Which inevitably means pumping money to one's friends. And destroying immeasurable assets and opportunities in the process.

It's change, see!

Was in NYC a few days last week. Had a nice meal at a Bosnian restaurant in Astoria. The place was right under the el, so every few minutes a train rattled by overhead, reminding me of the early years at and around the Castle 1526: the F train a block away, the Culver Shuttle until it shut down in 1975.

Around here there are freight lines about a half mile away. At night when the air is clear and the windows are open we can hear trains clacking along. It's not loud by any means, but I notice that I'm hearing it. Which is unlike when we lived in Tuckahoe, where the Metro-North went roaring by every ten minutes and it hardly registered in our consciousness.

I want Steve to run for office. I want to apply for the job of "senior crony." I would administer the redistribution of cappicola (ensuring myself a tasty skim operation).

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Right now, Joe Biden is speaking live on TV and I'm not making this up...praising the amazing success of the stimulus bill. I'm speechless....on one hand its hysterically funny...but at the same time it is horribly frightening. If his speech is a joke, then the punchline is this week jobless claims rose another 225,000 and the unemployment reached a new high of 9.7%. Anyway, I don't want to devote much time to this mockery, the media no doubt will...applauding his guts, honesty and working class vernacular. I'm going to forgo making fun and simply ignore it.

So without counting my chickens before they hatch, Jennie and I are in the process of signing onto a witness relocation program, one that would put us just a mile from the beach and Juno Pier...well-suited for reputed sun-worshipper Sfingi. I've been noticing a trend in his comments about Ohio's chilly temperatures, while we down south now require flame retardant suits just to get the mail. The new place also has a fenced in courtyard perfect for barbecuing salziccia, zucchini and the occasional fresh beet.

In more serious news, kindly say a little prayer for my godmother, the incomparable Terry Martucci, as she recovers from a successful kidney transplant. Shes doing great and we hope that it continues that way. I've been told there's normally a long wait for a new organ, but luckily Uncle Andy was able to purchase one with his Marlboro miles.....just kidding, just kidding.

In a second serious medical note, we also request some prayers for Kelly Fatone, who was admitted to ICU in Orlando yesterday for observation of some blood clots. We wish her a speedy recovery, and safe return back home.

Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update on things. Oh yeah, Jenia and I are attempting to bring back the old school tough guy drinks, when we have to order at the bar. We have started with the The Manhattan and Tom Collins. I dont watch Mad Men or old James Cagney movies...anyone know any others they can recommend? I kinda remember the Grasshopper and the Gimlet...but not the ingredients in either....I seem to remember Creme de Menthe being integral. Anyway, lemme know.

By the way, I am typing this from my phone....this is coming from a guy who still doesnt know how to put a picture on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Well, this sucks. My Wall Street Journal has not arrived this morning -- instead, they desecrated my driveway with today's edition of the New York Times. I used to read that paper regularly -- 20-something years ago. Today, it is merely another propaganda organ for the kulturkampf. No seriously, it's that bad.

I forced myself to read some of it. What the hell? It's here. It is awful. Vicious, really, given that the make-believe world they've constructed requires an enemy. Just about everything they write oozes the virtue of the heroic Red Army and laments the sordid evil of a White Army that is so backward it doesn't realize it has already been defeated.

It's crazy stuff -- because it's clear that the villains in their allegorical narratives are meant to be people like me. (Or, uh, people like Steve -- who ought to check to see if his mailman is a NYT subscriber, because that might explain things).

Anyway, I'm not interested in debating the Bolshevik revolution. Or reliving it. Or funding some dreamer's efforts to advance its fronts. The fake intellectuals at NYT clearly have other plans.

A common trope used by the statists is the accusation that one has "played politics" in supporting competing policies. (Sure enough, it was in today's NYT.) What it almost always means is "the state owns everything and any attempt to move power back to the people is just a dirty trick."

Kind of like the weather!

Yes, the NYT-types have completely hijacked the weather (a/k/a/ "climate") through its years of global warming alarmism. No need to rehearse here the many holes in their "science" but suffice it to say: it's September 1 and it's 49 friggin' degrees again! You fuckers promised me warmer weather, and here it's not even Labor Day and I'm thinking of turning on the friggin' furnace!

Eh, good thing I have a subscription. So I'll read a little news this morning, to balance out the fabian fantasies of the NYT. As for the statists they celebrate, they are easy enough to understand: they are looters. And if you have to ask who's being looted, chances are it's you.