Judicial outrage du jour... What self-respecting blog can resist the topic of today's Supreme Court travesty? My take on federal law is pretty straightforward: the U.S. Constitution is so last-century. It's over. Forget it. There is no law today -- only turf-battles among politicans, judges and bureaucrats.
Still, I can't help but think that today's decision is different. More people than ever own homes... And suddenly the Fifth Amendment no longer provides any meaningful check on a corrupt councilman's ability to take that property and hand it to "The Man."
Can this be the one that triggers the backlash?
Let me be the first to predict: people are going to sit up and notice. They will want to know what the decision means to them and their neighbors. They will demand federal legislation to protect them (surely eminent domain can be regulated as interstate commerce -- everything else can). They might even take a new and unexpected interest in the politics that motivate the judicial filibuster (Chuck Schumer, call your office).
But will the people demand a return to the Ratified Constition? Well, let's not get our hopes up too high.