Our neighborhood just gets weirder and weirder. Today, while I was watering my flowers a guy drives by in an old battered blue green pickup and tells me to stop picking up the neighbor's bags of straw and rabbit manure that he leaves on the curb for the garbage truck. I wanted to ask him who the dickens he was in the first place and why Craig didn't have the good manners to face me himself but I restrained myself.
I told him that once something is put out on the curb the law says that anyone can take it. He argued that someone was going to complain and get Craig in trouble. I was polite. I explained that my composting the product was good for the garden and the enviroment. And that composted manure does not smell. (Yeah I moved the compost pile away from Vicki's fence. It didn't smell bad enough to be of any real annoyance so it was easier to keep it closer to the south side of the garden where I could just toss it off the back of the pickup.) (So I really am nicer than I want to be. It is just not in my nature to be mean for no reason. So sue me.)
I hinted strongly that I was on the right side of the law while my neighbor was not but I stopped short of saying that I would report him. Ironically, I had just had lunch with a neighbor who asked me if raising rabbits was legal and I said, "no" but I wasn't about to report Craig. I even said that I just wanted to live in peace with my neighbors.
Not leaving well enough alone, he yelled at me some more about me somehow getting the neighbor in trouble by spreading the straw on my garden. Huh? My neighbor is breaking the law by raising rabbits. I am removing 'evidence' of his scoff-law behavior from the curb and he sends some bozo to yell at me? Like anyone can smell a few rabbit pellets with three horses in a confined space a hundred feet away. All we can smell is horse sh!t when we go outside.
I guess I will have to go dig and spread horse manure from now on. Christi has offered it to me for the taking. It is probably no more work than driving around the block and tossing heavy bags up in to the truck.
*rolling eyes* Now I just have to decide whether to turn the rabbit raising creep in to the planning and zoning people and let the manure go to waste in plastic bags in the landfill. Doesn't anyone cooperate with anyone else any more?