Other stuff to add to prior posts:
- My strip-club dream included a renaissance-fair type of erotic performance that included lots of baroque music and, seemingly, a cast of thousands. I was reminded of this while speaking to Frylock on his cellphone today. He was attending a Renaissance Festival. And he was commenting on the abundance of breasts. Odd?
- Neither Cookie nor Alane have been paying adequate attention to developments in modern labor law: strikers cannot be fired legally (unless the strike itself is illegal, and even then it takes an Executive Order). Modern consitutional law gives strikers more rights than abortion protesters, so even I could take Spongebob's case if he really wanted to stick it to old man Krabs.
- Bazzukajoe: stop watching so much television. You want satisfaction? Drink more.
There's almost an entire loaf of italian bread still left. I think I need to make myself a sang-a-weech.