Working from home can make one somewhat less aware of their own personal hygiene, I'm afarid I must admit. Some mornings I drink my coffee, get the boys dressed and fed, take them to school, and then get to work -- without the once-obligatory shave and shower.
Hey, who'll know?
Well, I for one do eventually notice: the stink, the skin sheen, the steady advance of funk. And sometimes Alane will call from her office and ask, "Did you make the boys take showers this morning before school?" and I'll think, "showers?" I'm lucky I remember to scrape the previous night's chocolate pudding off their chins before sending them into the school building.
But you can't work from home all the time -- had to go to the main office this week which meant another cattle-ride into LGA. Repeat after me: American Airlines is blowjhinksi. Last night's 8:15 to Hopkins was delayed about two hours... Just like last time... And the time before that. Our latest circumstance? No pilot. Seems to fool chose to get to his assignment by flying on an AA flight -- so he was bound to be hopelessly late.
The worst part is they don't tell you anything -- you get to the airport and the screens say ON TIME. You go to the gate and you board. How is it that it isn't until everyone is seated and buckled in that someone finally notices that empty seat up front?
So I spent an extra two hours pacing the third-world corridors of LGA, wishing I was about a half-mile away at Shea watching the ballgame (because there's no way to watch the ballgame amidst the grime of the A-gates of LGA).
Anyway, now that I'm back I have to get the pics and vids off the camera from last week's Cub Scout field trip. First stop on that multi-point bus tour was the "Earth Crack" somewhere near Sandusky. A cave. We had a guided tour. I think I was more interested by the Civil War gravestones in the little cemetery across the way from the site -- I took Cookie through and we looked at the names and the dates. Then, back on the bus and on to a science museum in Toledo. And after that, hot dogs at Toledo's Tony Packo's. Julie and her kids joined us for that -- we gotta get her posting to this blog.