Alane led them about; I stayed behind to distribute the candy. There sure are a lot of kids in this area! We ran out of swag about an hour and a half into the festivities -- I quickly turned off the porch light, closed the front door and drew the curtains. If we get egged, I don't want to know about it until morning.
Right now Cookie is downstairs doing his homework. In a few minutes we will chase ghosts in the attic. Well, not really ghosts, but a bird I heard flapping around this afternoon. Better get the little bastard before he craps on everything. Not sure how to be rid of the little beast once I find him... I'll make it up as I go along. And I'll bring Da Chimpz. Maybe I'll read some Poe to them before we venture up there -- give them some real Halloween excitement.
Nevermore, indeed.
UPDATE: Too late to free the trapped sparrow -- we opened the attic door and it lay there dead at the bottom of the stairs. Breathed its last. An ex-sparrow. Not even nailed to its perch. Who knows how long it has been trapped up there. Got a shovel from the garage and did the disposal thing.