I'm working at my desk and in the last hour I've heard "Mandy" by Barry Manilow and "Brandy" by Looking Glass, and I started thinking how first names are viewed by different songwriters. The Mandys and Brandys of the world have an inherent positive association with their name. My sisters are both lucky...there is "Three Marlenas" by the Wallflowers, as well as "Marlena" by the Four Seasons (which by the way has an excellent doo-doo doody-doo refrain), each song depicting the singer pining for a chance to be near her. There are too many pop hits named "Maria", but I'll mention the Ricky Martin and West Side Story versions(although my favorite unquestionably remains the TKA dance classic in where the singer is jealous of the drug dealer shes dating) but once again both songs are a celebration of the title character's beauty and virtue. There is "Oh Marie" by Louie Prima, and even "Vincent" by Don McLean, (albeit a sad ode to Van Gogh ), there is "Johnny Be Good" by Chuck Berry or "John the Revelator" by Depeche Mode, there is "Good Golly Miss Molly" by Little Richard and my personal favorite " Joey" by Concrete Blonde. Everyone in my family has a nice song....except for Frylock. Can anyone think of a single song that paints a nice picture of Steve? There is only two songs that I can think of that even mention my name, and well you decide.....
1. "Lets Talk About AIDS" by Salt n Pepa, in which the lyric goes "Uh oh...Steve forgot the condoms"
2. "Steve Polychronopolous" by Adam Sandler. Heres a verse from that:
"I'll leave your gate open
So your dog runs away I
'll make fun of your pimple
Then I'll grab your sister's ass
'Cause my name's Steve Motherfucking Polychronopolous
Anyway, time for me to return to work. State Buon.