Why is Madonna on tv so much? She is quite a disappointment. I think she should give up her american citizenship and take one for the team. With so many american children that need homes, she goes to Namibia. I did not even know it existed till the other two fanoikya's when there to have the baby. WHY? Have you forgotten where 100% of your movie revenues come from? In the immortal worda of Vito Caravella.....WOW!
So i was in Buffalino for about 10 days. We missed that major snow storm dumping
2 feet of snow by about 45 miles. It was frigid cold i won't lie but a pleasant change from the consistant humidy and sweat of Palm Beach. I was blessed by the presence of John and Alane making the 3 hour drive from Ohio. A spectacular time was had by all especially Ellexa. The Amish will never be the same. With all the black hats and beards i
almost thought i was in borough park. Thank you for making the trip. i have never ingested so many fall leaves.