Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ahhh. I love the pink panther. Could this be in our genetic code? I must look into this. I know Vin has it but does uncle V? Does Airport love Cloiseu? That would be the trifecta. Now I know the 3 stooges are also something we always watched on sunday mornings and laughed insanely. You know ,I always wanted a man like Kato hiding in my home. Imagine how insane it would be to come home each day to an unkown assailant. The damage this man could do cause was awesome. I wonder what it would take to have this guy do it. I beleive we all need to check out Omeletto. I seriously feel that he could be a long lost mastandrea. I like this guy. Hes got a cool sidekick too.Heres a scuffle situation i could see the old uncle vito getting in.

Why is Madonna on tv so much? She is quite a disappointment. I think she should give up her american citizenship and take one for the team. With so many american children that need homes, she goes to Namibia. I did not even know it existed till the other two fanoikya's when there to have the baby. WHY? Have you forgotten where 100% of your movie revenues come from? In the immortal worda of Vito Caravella.....WOW!

So i was in Buffalino for about 10 days. We missed that major snow storm dumping
2 feet of snow by about 45 miles. It was frigid cold i won't lie but a pleasant change from the consistant humidy and sweat of Palm Beach. I was blessed by the presence of John and Alane making the 3 hour drive from Ohio. A spectacular time was had by all especially Ellexa. The Amish will never be the same. With all the black hats and beards i
almost thought i was in borough park. Thank you for making the trip. i have never ingested so many fall leaves.