Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Congratulations on the new homestead. Awesome.
Four bedrooms of Willy Wonka style creations that are built around the house. Excellent. When we do make our trip alert the men that i will bring my legos, erector set and power tools. You will have to build an extension after that. Maybe we can install a pipe next to your kitchen table that reaches 900 degrees. I wonder if we can build a couch that has 800 square feet of storage beneath it? hmmmm . Funny my dad has a closet in his bedroom like that. I can not way to see it john.

I think i will be making a shirt with Furkake on it. Come to think of it sometime my cat gets furcaki ....on her tail. I do not think i want it on my rice.

Convergence is a good word. Thanks Joe and Ellie for making the journey. Thanks to Joe i have at least a month of commuting music to entertain me. Next trip we must go to the improv. It was a most memorable visit, hope it was for you. I know Vin was very happy to see you guys. Funny Steve refers to the initiation of being at the table. I always have to warn the new people that there is much activity and conversation around the dinner table but no one is ever ready for it. The word overstimulated comes to mind.

Why is Love shack always on? Does the whole shack really shimmy? Are there really 700 cds to choose from?

Hey aunt phyllis tell uncle pat that was way too much information. Last week we came by my moms house and my mother is sitting on my dads lap in his wheelchair and they are doing laps around the house and donuts in the kitchen. Ughh. Very Disturbing
Wish you could have stayed a little longer but im glad you made it.
we'll see stef sunday. Snowing huh? Its nice here for once. 70's lately.
Should hook aida up with tom tuttle, that would be great haha oh isnt she married though? i dont think i said more than hello to her. There much yelling on her cell phone. i didnt want to interupt the verbal tirade you know its hard to get that flow going again.