Not too long ago, our local shelter had an adopt-a-thon. I took the boys over because I would eventually like to get a pet and a rescue dog would be nice. We actually played with an adorable dog named Boomer that was part hound and something else. He would howl and wasnt a jumper. We also spent time looking at the cats and kittens. I had been planning on doing some volunteer work and had seen that they needed some to walk dogs. So I asked to speak to someone about volunteering. So some woman comes out and is like "well we should have a better orientation. I don't like the way it is done. And too many volunteers just want to be with the animals." Now at this point, I want to say -- You all posted the request for dog walkers. But I'm so shocked by her attitude that I just stand there. I'm also thinking that I would hope the volunteers want to be with animals. Long and short of it-I decided to volunteer where I was wanted. I did want to tell someone that maybe they should have someone else do volunteer intakes.
We are now on the way to the historical society's ice cream social. Trolley rides are promised.