Mojo Jojo and I had a big adventure today -- I took him to the office and he spent pretty much the entire workday with me and the staff. And somehow, he remained civilized throughout. He gets lots of attention there, so it's no wonder he was so well-behaved. He drew some pictures, watched videos, hit people with the inflatable bat, punched people with the Hulk Hands, squeezed Silly Putty, and danced to Gorillaz music. He noted how long a walk it was back to Grand Central and was glad when we finally found a deli with black-and-white cookies. He fell into a deep sleep on the train ride home and I had to carry him off at Tuckahoe -- a pretty full day for the little man.
Early in the day, someone gave him a plastic whistle and told him to walk into different rooms, blow the whistle, and announce: "Get back to work!" Which he did. Throughout the day.
I'll pay for that for the rest of the week.