Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.

Friday, March 20, 2020

As I sit here in self quarantine and partake in social distancing, I can't help but wonder about how my Dad would react in this situation. I often think it might be the "skeptical until it hits you" situation with him. Luckily, he always put health first and looked for any good reason to not be in work. I miss him so much. I swear to you that I feel as though there are times when he answers my thoughts, has a full conversation with me, or even contributes to the conversations I'm having with other people. Sometimes Mike will hear me answer him out loud and he'll replied "What? Who are you talking to?" and then I'll be startled out my trance. A few weeks ago, Mike heard me say " No, I'm not getting a small TV and putting it in my kitchen." I also know that grief doesn't affect only me in my household. My husband misses talking about the MTA and joking about it with him. There's definitely one thing that we both fall melancholy to and that is how we both wish he met Sienna. I have to believe that somehow, some way, he has a connection and relationship with her. She may look like a Goldman, but she is disgruntled, annoyed, side smiling, naturally funny, stubborn, eyebrow raising, animated face making, and absolutely loves music ... just like him.

I hope all is well on the home front for all of you. I've been praying for Alane to recover and rehabilitate nicely. Anyone I ever known who has had shoulder surgery has told me that it's not only painful, but its a long process, and a waiting game. I hope the boys are doing well. If any are partaking in college Spring Break festivities, I hope they are washing their hands frequently and keeping a good distance.

I love you all. Please stay healthy.