Good game, John Paul!
I guess you could say that I'm not really into fund raisers. All month at work, I will be selling red paper hearts for $1 (they are posted with names on them(those who donated) for all the school to see)money will go to the American Heart Association's Heart Walk. I don't like asking for money, no one does, especially outdoors in the dead of Florida heat. In one week I have heard the most ingenius and absurdly stupid excuses for not donating a buck. I wouldn't mind, but I have a kind demeanor, and I'm totally cool with no one donating.
Two days in a row an old faculty member spoke to me in complete French, and said "Parle vous?... Tsk Tsk", and walked away. Thanks, ass. Many people avoided eye contact with me all together and diligently studied the nutritional facts on their bottle of water. Positioned between a cafeteria and a coffee shop, you'd be amazed at how people with "not even a dime" will magically create a means to obtain a double shot espresso mocha frapaccino out of the clear blue sky, or a jamaican meat pie. It's wild. So today I saw two little black kids selling chocolate for $1, of course, I bought. It was World's Finest Chocolate Brand since 1949, the epitome of school fund raiser goodies. Even if I was bitter from work, the little kid had pieces of chocolate wedged between every tooth. I had to. PS- I donated for John Paul and Ellexa, their hearts are posted in the windows of Building 4.