One of our adventures was a trip to Dollar Paradise (right near the Giant Beagle). It was time to do some serious Mother's Day shopping. I said to them:
"Okay, gorillas, you each have ten dollars to spend to get presents, a card and a gift bag for delivering your loot. Let's go in there and choose wisely."
And choose they did. Wooden fork? Check. Tiny throw-pillow? Check. Multi-colored dusting wand? Check. And of course the patriotic star-shaped beads, the giant sunglasses and the straw sun-hat.
What a haul!
I still gotta get my new eyeglass prescription filled. My old glasses are hopelessly scratched up and mis-shapen. That eye exam was some adventure: I left the doctor's office with fully dilated pupils and walking out into the parking lot was like stepping onto the surface of the sun. I drove only a short distance, dodging the giant fireballs that hurled about me (may have been other cars), and hid out in the aisles of BJ's until I felt up to driving back home. You buy lots of stuff that way. Guess I could've gotten new glasses there but I couldn't see the samples on the shelves very well so I thought the better of it.