Some interesting mail this evening... Some belated Valentines Day cards, one from Alane and one from the boys. The latter included a "#1 Dad" sticker that I must wear to the office tomorrow.
There was also an official-looking envelope from the New York courts: a juror questionnaire. Great. These people tried to yank me into service a few years ago -- at exactly the same time the feds were hauling me down to Foley Square for jury duty with them. Over the years, I've done time with both state and fed, and I can confidently say that both experiences suck mightily. A guy I worked with told me about a friend of his who got called into lengthy service. He was so annoyed by the whole thing that he got an apartment across the Hudson River -- changing his court jurisdiction, disqualifying himself. When I was stuck on endless, mindless grand jury duty, that Hoboken guy was my hero.
Well, soon enough I will be happily outside the New York jursidiction.