Because there's no such thing as too much cheese.Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life.Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle.Good for cats. Made in Poland.Because everything is like a hat.You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Steve, you got some sort of brain damage: your dream state jokes are as appalling as your waking state jokes. Must run in the family. I had a bad dream myself this morning. Barak Obama had come to my house. I was so disgusted I didn't even bother to get dressed -- I was hoping he'd take a hint and GTFO. But no, he decided he was going to make us coffee, so he goes in the kitchen and somehow rigs the bubble-up espresso-maker onto my electric percolator. It wasn't going to work. I wasn't quite sure how the smooth-talking commie had even found my Bialetti coffee maker (the one that has the guy on the side, his finger in the air). He explains his wife won't let him make it that way at home, and I realize he's not making us coffee, he's making himself coffee. Which figures.
And speaking of commies, the Senator from California was waving the bloody shirt today, urging a legislative violation of the Second Amendment. I won't try to rebut her because there's a guy on Youtube who does it better than I could. I don't know the dude but I think I'd like to hang with him.
Oh, and speaking of Second Amendment, Alane and I will be helping at the open house being held this weekend at the boys' Catholic school.What's that got to do with the Second Amendment? Nothing. Yet.
Forget nightmares: real life is scary enough.
Hey Steve, what if Chuck Schumer came to your place and offered to make coffee? Would you remember to hold your hand tightly over your wallet? Would you sign up to buy his timeshare?