When you sleep
I will creep
Into your thoughts
Like a bad debt
That you can't pay.
Wow! Life has reduced itself to a sad-sack stalker song by Morrissey! Even the preceding line about how "I bear more grudges/Than lonely high court judges" is just a little too close to reality to be coincidence. This guy isn't like a bad debt we can't pay, he is bad debt.
Yes, the pain was indeed enough to make a shy bald buddhist reflect and plan a mass murder.
Went to a high schol graduation party last evening and everything was lovely -- not least because I resisted the urge to provide the putatve college freshman with gratuitous advice about what to expect. "Almost everyone you meet is full of crap," I wanted to say. "And the more authentic they are trying to be, the more full of crap they are." I kept it to myself; she's a smart kid and I tend to think she will figure this out for herself (thus achieving the non-classroom part of her education).
Went to a Mets game Thursday night. What the hell is a National League team from Queens doing in Cleveland anyway? It was a good time. Alane and I tried to remember the last time we attended a Mets game. We're pretty sure it was in 1999 -- a fistful of proofs of purchase from packages of Khans hot dogs got us cut rate seats to Shea on a pleasant summer night before children.