Wow-I can tell that it has been quite a long time since I have blogged as I could not remember how to sign in. After much swearing...I was able to get on board.
This was imperative due to the Guitar Hero slander spoken by John. He is quite right that I was unable to play Guitar Hero the first evening--but he forgot to mention the major reason for this. I am left handed and I did not realize that there is a feature to flip the guitar to left handed and I just tried to learn it right handed. By the next day I was able to do it. That game is way fun. I want all the games. I also would like the Rock Band thing--but I heard that the drums dont work so good for Wii.
I would like to say that John was quite a good sport about going to see Robert Plant and Allison Krauss. I know he can not stand that type of music and I really wanted to go. I had gotten the CD and really enjoyed it. I will admit that I am not much of a country fan but I do like folk and blue grass and for anyone that does not know--Allison Krauss and Union Station are pretty much the top performers in that arena. For any of you that saw "Brother Where Art Thou", she was all over that soundtrack. I greatly enjoyed the show and they played everything on their CD as well as some of the songs from "Brother Where Art thou" and some Zeppelin tunes.
Tomorrow I take the day off from work and go on a day trip with my mom. There is a museum exhibition going on of Vatican Art and I wanted to go and my mom was kind enough to go with me. Although she did say that she saw them in Rome why see them in Cleveland. (Not quite as good of sport as John) I also meant that we could go together--but she thought I meant with the church group and so I will be spending the day on a bus with members of my church seeing