Greetings, my fellow family of bloggers and a Happy Halloween!
Miss you dearly and wish for you all many blessings.
Today I wanted to talk about the last six months of my life.
At this moment, I consider myself a 26 year old newlywed who is an optimistic non-conformist with creative goals, tasks, and continuous life challenges. Please don't take this as a preaching, teaching, or philosophical tool, but just merely a recollection of my own meandering experiences. One thing is for sure: living, loving, and working in New York had taught me a wealth of lessons that I will take with me on this journey of life.
Lessons in LIVING
1. New York is a jungle. This is the true in every sense of the word. Whatever or whomever comes to your mind then associating the word "jungle" in your brain is exactly what I mean ... and then some.
2. It really does take a village to raise a child. Or in my case, a 26 year old.
3. If you think you need extra time to do something, you probably do.
4. Travel by yourself sometimes to help give your natural senses an awakening.
5. Enjoy the culture of this compact world so that it can inspire you.
6. Never compromise who you are for anyone or anything.
7. When in doubt, keep your mouth shut.
8. Live within your means.
9. Your health and well being should be something you strive to constantly keep solid.
Lessons in LOVING
1. Self love comes first. As selfish as that sounds. It's true.
2. Make self love first on your list. If it becomes second, make the switch as quick as possible.
3. You are strong. Stronger than you will ever know. But make sure you understand that strength is mysterious, and that it can be misunderstood.
4. Nip big things in the bud. Let the small stuff go.
5. It gets better.
6. Call family, friends, and loved ones as often as possible just to say "Hi!"
7. Tell your spouse how much you appreciate them. Sometimes appreciation is all that is needed to get through the day.
8. Keep on building and cultivating. It makes love so much more meaningful.
Lessons in WORKING
1. Only you know your true potential, creative ideas, work ethic, and worth. Work doesn't. They never do. Nor will they ever.
2. Small goals count.
3. We are supposed to be challenged. If this was easy, then this job would be boring, unsatisfying and create zero opportunities to be resourceful.
4. In college, I took a few management courses and what I distinctly remember being said is that managers' 4 main focuses in their job description are: to lead, control, plan, and organize. Be careful and very aware when that is not happening.
5. Never forget that things you've been trained to do ... even if its from way back when. And if you need some memory refresher, there's always a YouTube tutorial for it.
6. Don't let your co-workers define you with a nickname or a small piece of who you they think you are. They should know you by your name, work position, your projects, and vague aspects of your work life, that's about it.
7. If you find yourself miserable or dreading work everyday, this job is not for you. Admit it.
So that concludes my blog about me. Is there any lessons that you've learned up to this point in your life? Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Ravioli and Meatballs,
Kitty Von Schitz