Here's another way I know I'm getting old. I recently watched the movie The Odd Couple. The original, with Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau. Great film -- a classic. I'd seen it before and used to be an addicted watcher of the sit-com reruns back in the late 70s (channel 11, for a time, was wall-to-wall Felix and Oscar).
Anyway, Netflix has a kind-a lame selection so at this point we're squeezing its database for any missed gems. We're quickly running out. So I sat that night and watched, even though I had seen this movie before, a long time ago.
Here's what was new: when I used to watch the sit-com, and when I first saw the original movie, Oscar's bristling at Felix's eccentricity made perfect sense to me. This time, I found myself very sympathetic to the Felix character. Why was Oscar being such a sadist?
Eh, I'm getting old. Or maybe I just can't stand to see spaghetti thrown against the wall like that. Linguini. Whatever.