Busy week. Saw some interesting dynamics at the airport gate when the rubes of United Airlines tried to explain how our delay was due to "budget cuts." It almost resulted in rebellion: it seemed everyone knew better and shouted down the PR talking-points being read by the hapless gate attendant.
Actually, it wasn't her fault -- she explained she had been instructed to read a prepared statement and didn't feel comfortable doing it. We could see why: United was on the wrong side of a political campaign and passengers were having none of it. "It's a political stunt, don't tell us it's budget cuts!"
Maybe United has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome? Or maybe the head honchos let their party affiliation cloud their thinking? Either way, a disgraceful performance by United. And everyone noticed. Heh.
As for today, we finally have spring weather. To celebrate, we did some yard work and got our grill on.
I mean, we really got our grill on. I wish you could smell this. YOU wish you could smell this.
It doesn't take much: take some eggplants and some roma tomatoes, slice lengthwise and lay them facedown on a really hot grill. Flip them, lower the heat, brush with oil and garlic and let them sit for an hour or more. I even laid on some wild arugula leaves for extra flavor. The stuff is growing in every corner of my yard. Yeah, springtime is here.
Dig the umbrella. Living large.