They had a good night.
Alane and I are still reviewing notes from our weekend visit to the Castle 1526. So much data, yet so little of it computes. We know all the Odd Job locations closed long ago, but Don Vito still comes through with the wacky consumer goods. He bought a sound-amplifying eavesdropping device -- it's on my desk at work. I'm sure I'll find a way to make use of it.
The stream of trick-or-treaters has slowed to a trickle -- just the occasional teenager now and then, giggling awkwardly for their friends waiting on the sidewalk, making the transparent attempt for free candy. What's wrong with today's kids -- can't they buy liquor like we did when I was their age?
He's a natural.
Mojo, on the other hand, is not so subtle. Alane told me that on tonight's trick-or-treat run, one hapless homeowner had to go to another room to refill her bowl of treats. Quoth Mojo upon her return:
"What took you so long?"