Finally the cable has returned. I blog therefore i survive. We have hit the mattresses at my apt. Steve has power and has gone back to his home. He is lucky. We all are. This was quite a ride. I spoke to alane briefly the day before and was feeling confident this could not be as bad as last year. I was sorely mistaken.

Jessica and I were awoken at 6am by steve's voice bellowing on the phone. He said "IT'S Coming ASHORE!" That was last I would hear from Spumoni for several hours. I would not see it till the next day. We tried to keep in touch but somehow our only link was Marlena in Orlando. In a bizarre twist of fate marlena was meant to be there. She was our contact. Nextel will be the next email i write. Way to go communications in our time of need. I could hear every FEMA and EOC reps nextel beeping during press conferences on the radio. That better be the reason mine were not operating.
So 8am the winds began. Banging and clanking object into our windows and door. We could see garbage cans and branches blowing down the street. We had prepared. We had plenty of water and food. Ice and 2 coolers.

We had flashlights and candles all ready. Battery operated TV and Fan. At 8:15 The lights went out. We waited. The noise is indescribable. The wind subsided for 20 minutes as we passed in the eye of Wilma, you bitch. We put on our battery TV and watched the Rob Lopicola on the local channel telling us the worst was over. The tail end will speed out to sea. Breathe easy. No such luck. Our area has a weather station near us that clocked 102 mph wind. At one point i saw the wind bow in our sliding glass window of our living room. I made jess go hide in the bedroom and blocked up the glass with our couches and recliner. I stood in that kitchen for 2 hrs and waited for the glass to break. Everytime i saw the couch move i ran and pushed it back. It was quite a ride.

Rob you douche. Its sack heads like you and Cantore that give us bullshit niceties instead of the the real deal. Tell us you just shit yourself because you never saw a huricane this big. The actual hurricane spanned from key west to titusville. 80% of the state saw huricane force winds. I think we need Joe-Maha to run the EOC in Florida. I think id feel better. Passion for your job is something that reassures in a time like this.
For the record. The following is a picture of me in the car calling my mom on her emergency number. or as she calls it her
IPAQThat one is for Merle and Jenia. They missed it.