There was a fellow sitting at our table who apparently knew Floyd from way back -- Floyd came over to our table and the two exchanged hilarious stories. I told Floyd that I'd seen him perform at Brooklyn College back in 1981; I told him we actually subscribed to Wometco Home Theater (a running joke on his show back then).
Some of the material Floyd delivered tonight was vaguely familiar (the Hawaiian music jokes he performed 20-something years ago with Loony Skip Rooney); but the rest was just down-home fun.
And now we're home, having driven through the crazy rain that has poured on us for the last 24 hours. It's late and I need to get some sleep. But I still need to find that Uncle Floyd Show pin because I know it's around here somewhere.
Oh, and by the way: halfway through the dinner, Alane snarkily asked when they were going to play songs from Lou Monte. Well, the joke was on her -- the DJ played Ce La Luna twice: one sung my Louis Prima and later the Lou Monte version... So there.