I am eager to see Sonic of Tuckahoe ringing unsuspecting doorbells. While spiderman sneak attacks the candy bowl. Sonic will draw the attention while spidey pounces. Go Mojo. Attack and pillage. Survival of the fittest.
Well let the hunkering begin. I spoke to those residing in Spumoni South this evening because there was a Tornado spotted very close to the homestead. They stayed in seclusion and were spared or denied the fight for another day. And so we wait. My house is boarded up. Spumoni has been cleared of all debris and objects capable of taking flight. We have completed the process of hording small crunchy consumables and necessary beverages. I have not seen it yet but i know somewhere my dad has a giant bag of Ruffles Wavy Chips. A bag so big i could hunker in it. Anyway the process of turning Spumoni

Hey remember Macaroni Hurricane season. Yes Yes Hurricane Ochi D'Lupo was a real disaster. And Hurricane Farfalle just missed us.
Maybe a year of cheeses. I know john would be interested in that. I think some people might vacation more during hurricane season if they might get caught in hurricane Havarti. That Hurricane Parmagiano Areggiano was a category 5. What a stink.
How about a year of Cuts of Meat or Cold Cuts. The options are endless. We would never repeat a year like we do now every 7 years. My suggestions go unanswered.
A hunkering I go