She lives in the basement now since she cannot get along with anyone or any of our other pets. She is about 15 years old and has out-lived both Lizzie Borden, a true albino cat who died at about 13, and Battle Cat who died at about 15. He was a Maine Coon and the best cat for affection that has ever owned us.
Joe, (Airport Guy) bless his heart, came home and worked my sewing machine over and it now starts and sews once again. I want to make the spats over and he thinks I am insane, or at least, a perfectionist. I did get the hood with all the whatever-you-call-it (hedgehog spines?) sewn up tonight so I feel pretty good about the progress. . .especially since I drew it all up myself and only had to rip it up three times before I figured out how to do what I wanted to do.
Joe keeps reminding me that all the Mastandrea family has big heads, so I modeled it myself. That is my biggest concern. . .will any of the costume come close to fitting a child I have never even seen? I can see you all with hands full of safety pins trying to fit poor Cookie in to the costume. It looks big to me for a medium, but that may be because I made the legs extra long and will let you cut them off where they need to be and use Stitch Witchery to iron in the hem. . .or just tuck them in to the socks, which ever suits you all.