Greetings from Grand Island, NE. I am not sure how it got it's name. . .no islands in the prairie grass that I can see unless you count the lagoon out behind the hotel...
I am glad that Cookie is having fun with the costume. . .it sure looks to be too big to me, and for that I apologize. Do the spats come close to fitting his shoes at least. . .I made a trip to the local Payless to find some size 13 shoes to measure them up against. . . You could take darts in the shoulders in a V both back and front and see if that doesn't raise his shoulder spikes up. . .I know, I know, I am obsessing again!
Our weather should be much more mild than weather requiring someone hanging on to one's ankles while they hand out treats. . .and I can wear my costume rather than a winter coat and snow boots like last year. . .I may even get energetic and dig out the lights for the house. . .orange to line the driveway and black lights outlining the front of the house (all C 9's). . .I have spiderwebs for the bushes and bats for the house. . .plus we fire up the fog machine and turn on the spooky sounds CD. . .nothing like banshees and wolves to enliven the neighborhood.
The candy has been hidden in the basement for at least a month. . .we hide it from ourselves. . .as in 'out of sight, out of mind'. . .Joe says he is bringing you all the leftovers. . .I have a serious java and chocolate addiction. . .so there might not be leftovers by the time he boards the plane to the east. The mitigating fact about the candy stash is that it isn't dark chocolate, my favorite.
Recently it has come to my attention that some of the upscale markets are carrying espresso dark chocolate. Good thing Omaha and those markets are 13 miles away. Even Kit Kats are getting in to the flavor market, though, and they are way too easy to come by and consume. . .a serious danger to the 35 pounds I have lost since stopping the VIOXX. . .yes, I do put part of the blame on steroids and VIOXX and of course, inactivity since I stopped working outside our home has not helped. . .I wouldn't dream of blaming chocolate. . .it's health food and it is also myth that the sugar causes hyperactivity
Hmmm guess what I am going to try to find for dessert tonight after Joe gets a nap in?