We stopped for breakfast after Mass yesterday and ordered ourselves some eggs and coffee. In the corner a mounted TV screen showed a bicycle race and I wondered aloud if it could be the Giro or the Tour de France before realizing I have no idea when any of those are scheduled or why either of them would be on American television.
Anyway, Mojo immediately started singing We Are The Robots by Kraftwerk, which includes the zombified refrain Tour de France, Tour de France. Naturally, that singing quickly gave way to the Rathergood version of the song, We Are Pork Products (by Kraftwurst) which has the even better refrain Pork de France, Pork de France.
What did we say the other day about unlikely cultural references? Gotta dig the LED-studded necktie. And the googly-eyes glued to the hot dogs.
Y'know Shteef you remind me, back in 1985 I was the official scorekeeper an XU baseball game against IIRC Indiana University, Purdue (UI-PUI, or something). The opposing pitcher was a dead ringer for Steve Perry -- the nose, the hair, lots of both. Every time an XU batter took a big cut on one of his pitches our entire dugout sang out IT SHOULDA BEEN GONE! Poor bastard probably got a lot of that.