No freezer can possibly surpass that of Vito's. Vito has a "skill" for packing it- or rather "Omaha Steaks" has a knack for making their meat stackable to allow for such a skill.....This warrants research....
Speaking of things that warrant research--
Sir Stephen began singing "Master of the House"- a timeless classic of the musical Les Miserables ....When he realized I was a bystander to this serenade, he quickly became quiet realizing his mistake (he knows I will call him out on such a spectacle)...
My husband has never seen this musical-- nor has he seen Guys and Dolls..yet he knows most of the songs on these albums...(and not ones you would think..)
Growing up, I am assuming he was exposed to great music by the Vin-Man. I already know he is the "Master of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s" as does Royal Caribbean.....but I ask is this normal? How can one human being possess such great useless knowledge and never use it for monetary gain or recognition?
I would like to think of this as his SUPERPOWER. Some men possess great strength and intellect...Sir Stephen possesses the ability to smell any fart and name any tune...(musicals included)....