Sits and shifts, sits and shifts... I remember Uncle Floyd singing that song while playing the piano on Channel 68.
Yes, I remember the old days of wrestling across the floors of Marissa Circle. More often we were practicing amateur chiropractic. Hey Frylock, remember the time you stepped on my back and it sounded like a bag of walnuts being crushed in a vice?
Come to think of it, maybe that's why I have such a messed up disc at T8... Well, that and the rodeo... And of course sanding that table for six hours every night isn't all that helpful. Nor is leaning hunched over the computer, fighting with Blogger to post the next nonsensical message.
I'm going downstairs now. To give the boys their breakfast: a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios (also known as "Funny Butt Cheerios," which makes Mojo laugh hysterically). And to unlock the back sunroom (also known as Da Chimpz' playroom).