Last night's tee-ball game was called on account of rain (and some spectacular lightning). Sunday's game went well -- the kids seem to be learning how how the game is played and that's pretty much the entire objective (they don't record outs in an inning; each side goes through its lineup then the teams switch). Da Chimpz had fun.
There's a rabbit that we're pretty sure lives on the side of our house. We see him out back most mornings. Last night, with the game called off, we decided to shop for dining room chairs. From the driveway we saw the rabbit. Alane tried to get it's attention by calling out, "Hey, rabbit." That didn't work, so then she started to hop like a rabbit. That scared all of us: the rabit bolted and I considered doing the same.
We saw some nice chairs but didn't buy anything. Then we went to Dick's.