I felt like i was watching an old movie.
So for those who have not heard from Steve. He is doing fine. He has started a new group in Jupiter. A sect known as the MukWuks that kneel once a week and face PukNuk Gorge reciting lines from EasyMoney, but only those said by monty capuletti. The group survives solely on brewed arabica beans from pelaponesia. They do not repond to voicemail or missed call lists. They only correspond when the beans are ready for harvest. Here he is pictured leading a meeting. These meetings are held on haynie lane in jupiter farms.
Something about the mastandrea/fatone gene combination requires you place any and all object atop your head. It is a compulsion we cannot resist. It is as if we were possessed and forced into it. I knew this not only from going back and looking at old photos, there are hundreds but Ellexa finished a box of Cheerios one morning and proclaimed look daddy........A HAT. An put the box on her head. Since then all objects at one time or another them became a hat. Thus passing the gene on. She may resemble jessica's family but she is all mastandrea when it comes to her personality. She has even shown signs of changing the words to songs.

This one is for the Mastandrea Dictionary. Its a great word. Wonder if that draws any hits from google.
This is a sphygmomanometer.