Got myself a new gadget this week (how surprising). It's a doo-hicky for scanning old slide transparencies into image files. Technologically it's a total piece of crap -- installed the app on three different PCs and could only get it to work on one, and even there it works only in a non-standard way.
Oh well, at least I was able to scrape a few old snapshots from some long-forgotten media that has been mouldering in my attic. Here's an utterly fantastic shot of our patriarch and Maximum Leader taken on the day of a certain wedding, many many years ago...
The blog should be lots of fun this summer -- especially now that we can say pretty much anything we want about Steve without any fear that he'll read our comments, his PC being heisted and all. That guy has the worst luck. Even the ocean hates him. And so does Bazzukajoe's car.
(Not even sure what that means...)
It's warm and muggy at Berea-Rose today. Da Chimpz are halfway through their summer vacation. Yep, they were home today with no scheduled play events. Same tomorrow. But next week that all changes -- day camp every day. They love it, and so do I -- morning drop-off time is much earlier than regular school and I plan to take full advantage of that. Nyuck nyuck.