Look at this strapping young man, ranging the wide and cobble-stoned avenues of a modern European city, in search of... in search of what?
Dig on the scenery: that's some busy metropolis, folks! Makes you feel like you've just joined a Fellini film, in progress. And check out the tram -- reminds me of the surface transit in Amsterdam, where if the bicyclists don't run you down, the trams or the automobile traffic will.
But back to the business of anthropological archeology...

I decided to study the situation a little more closely. Then I found it. Yeah, he was searching for something alright -- some t-bone steaks, a few bracciole, and maybe a nice key-lime pie to have with coffee after the dishes have been cleared.
That man has always been on a mission.
Anyway, I've got a heap of transparencies that need to be converted. I'll get to them, slowly but surely. So expect more to be posted here -- along with worldwide blegs to help us attach names to all the people portrayed in these snapshots. There may be some people in Giovinazzo who'll be surprised to see 40-something year-old snapshots of their aunts and uncles. And donkeys.