So i am trying to get a haircut so i look presentable for easter. I know its saturday and everyone in the county is off and by some miracle i am as well. I hit my 2 usual spots for a trim and they are both closed. Florida makes up all its own rules. The sign in the window says we close at 6pm. It was 2pm. WOW. So i stop at a place i have not been to. I walk in and theres 1 guy. He's in his 60's and he has white hair. His hair is perfectly styled and glossed and his moustache is long and waxed in a strange manner. It goes down and up ever so slightly. He greets me and says I am Albert. I reluctantly tell him the look i am interested in and the cut begins. He is trimming when he stops mid comb and says"You cut your own hair?" No i dont but then is realized i did trim a little scruffiness sticking out the side of my hat the day before. He is frozen in mid cut and replies." You know i really can't fix THAT." And then resumes his trimming. He was silent the rest of my trim. Wow. I will not be going there again.

So i am driving home this week from work and there is a man next to me on a motorcycle. No big deal except he is on the white line between me and a DHL truck.