That keen observation was made by the long-lost friend I ran into on 52nd Street this morning. I was telling him of my pending relocation -- news that I never really disseminated in any methodical way. So I'll use this blog post as a start. Here goes:
We're moving. Or, to be more accurate, we've moved. To a nice quiet suburb of the City of the Burning River. We got ourselves a house with enough room to contain Cookie and Mojo and we're all very happy.

In any event -- I'm staying on at my old job so I'll still have work ties to NYC. And we still have the family in Brooklyn and the friends all over the region, so we'll be breezing through the area somewhat regularly.
The last few years have been rather busy for Alane and I and I've always felt bad about losing touch with so many of our friends. I'm a bum. But I can reform! I will make amends! And you can help: forward my info to anyone I may have missed on my e-mail blast -- I've been criminally negligent when it comes to updating my contact list, so any assistance is greatly appreciated.
As for me, I'll be turning in my NY keys this weekend and making that eight-hour drive to the Buckeye state. The Internet is very cool -- it keeps me employed, it keeps me informed, and I intend to use it from now on to keep in touch with all of you.