So these are the amenities at Jenia & Marlens's. Very cool place. And they didnt ask us all to leave either. We are rather unruly as a group. I wonder if they raised thier rent to discourage such behaviour in the future. It was a great scene. These are the few people left from the previous nights festivities. There was quite a group of people assembled at Buca Di Beppo that night. Several from quite far. There were the dynamic duo from Omaha and a pair from Connecticut and there was also a contingency from Staten Island. I cant forgot Angela and the JOSH from Tampa. There were also many delicasies. Cannoli's, 7 Layer cookies made by Janine, Veal Cutlets, Hot Sausages. Great party. Malania should think about doing this as a business. If anyone would like to see steve blow out his candle i have an AVI just email me.

This is no laughing matter. Notice the Backstage pass and Groucho glasses. All party favors provided. Nice touch. After the party we all went to Antigua, a club downtown in Orlando. We drank too much and laughed even more. Somewhere there are incriminating photos of Fefanie and Ree dancing in front of a huge fish tank while Broadway sang his version of many 80's songs. Change the words? He never does that. There was a dance of with ree and lets not forget Kip. Hes a dancing machine. Just ask Al
Molly Gwenia.