Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I'm not trying to construct a clever political argument. I'm just looking at the day to day functions of the central government, the one founded with a charter to do some very specific things. We must now forget those things; government's two self-assigned functions today are welfare and industrial planning. That's it. Everything else is subservient to those power sources. National security, criminal justice, accountability to the people -- to say they take a backseat understates how they've been co-opted.
I'll leave it to others to wax philosophical about the enormity of the slow-motion coup. The practical upshot is enough to prove the case: our ingenious original framework is out, replaced with… red tape... and unlimited welfare.
Restoration is going to be a steep uphill climb. It won't be televised. Our every effort will be denounced angrily. That part will be televised. Middle ground is vanishingly small. Bitterness is baked into the cake now, so stop expecting otherwise.
Anyway, that's how things look from the vantage point of the sovereign republic of Berea Rose. Foreign relations are tense, but the state of this nation is strong.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Eh, Fordham lost my respect a long time ago. Let 'em squirm.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
This explains Mojo's sense of foreboding!
I do like Steve's ideas, though. I shall purchase an adult diaper and wear it at the dinner table for Thanksgiving. I will randomly intersperse the conversation with an accusatory, "What, do I look old to you?" and then launch something as if to make a greater point.
But back to the chimps article, gotta love the cutline that accompanies the photo: "Unlike men, middle-aged great apes are not known for pursuing disastrous lifestyle changes during their 'midlife crises.'"
Interesting. Mastandreas are, generally, very simian. But I'm not aware that many of us hit our 50s and feel a need to cruise the neighborhood in gaudy convertibles. Or should I finally get myself one of those?
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Anyway, I was thinking about that trip in which I did lose my wallet en route to New York. It became the theme and the mantra..."Just forget about it.." That said its time for breakfast!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Greetings to you, anxious American. I am great leader of a once-evil nation, still trying to feed the appetites of oppressed peoples not offered pay and benefits from bankrupt industries fleeing our borders.I don't know, I feel like I've seen these offers before. But this one might work! Well, at least that's what everyone keeps telling me. Who am I to question conventional wisdom?
Sadly, my efforts to assist helpless women and minorities have been thwarted by malefactors of great wealth. Please to send help!
Immediately remit to me $60 billion of someone else's money and great wealth will be yours. Do not feel guilt about taking the $60b, their companies and investments will never notice it missing. No, really!
If you do not send money evil central planner will require to carry a pregnancy to term. If you do send other people money I will give you freedom and happiness. And a free cellphone.
Whatever. As long as I get a federal subsidy to build Mojo's biscuit-mobile. As an engine-free go-cart it's got to qualify for at least one of the many "green" rackets now on offer... Are they funding anti-aging research? Mojo needs a scam -- it's how you make it in today's world!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
On the subway to the airport I saw the most batshit-crazy panhandling pitch: lady boards the train and I can see she has a beat up drum strapped over her shoulder. She positions herself in the center of the car, puts the drum on the floor, and takes out two... clubs are really what they were. She gets down on the floor and start beating the drum -- badly. She'd pause momentarily and announce she needed money. I think some of the pleas were rhymed. It was completely insane.
Everyone pretended not to notice. That part I was used to.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
A man's home is his castle.Discuss.
Friday, November 09, 2012
And so Steve called me this week, distraught over the disruptions and deprivations that most certainly lie ahead. He also lamented what we all fear the future will not hold: economic opportunity. That's what you get for being such a foolish optimist.
I reminded him that the tide had been going out on that for years -- pop culture is explicit in its preference for the state over the people. This made him even more depressed.
"Do you have any advice?" he pleaded. "How do I come to terms?"
Perhaps drawing too much on the loss-of-republic aphorism, I only had one piece of advice:
"Forget about it. Whatever you thought you had, forget it was there."
This reminded Steve of his infamous trip to New York several years ago -- a trip clouded by the fact that Steve lost his wallet as he got off the plane.
"That's the same thing you told me when I was at your house depressed because I lost all that mad money I had saved for partying in New York."
I didn't realize it at first, but that was exactly what my advice to Steve throughout that weekend: forget the wallet, forget the money, forget what we were going to do, let's do something else.
Which is our exact situation now. Scaled up to the national level. As then, it's the only advice I can offer. Forget it. Do something else. Still doesn't feel adequate. It's not adequate.
In the meantime, I'm asking Cookie to post a blog challenge. Please post your answers in complete sentences. Grammar and punctuation will be counted in your grade.
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
We did come to one conclusion, however, we are moving to Kentucky. What could be bad? Florida is so backwards...As Steve just said, "Florida's judgement is garbage." Nelson beat Mack...ENOUGH SAID....
Steef is much more calm than I am...I am beside myself and my nails are entirely bitten off.....O no...he just got a look on his face...We are most likely mourning tomorrow....and preparing for a move....