Or so we hope.
The weather never really got summer-like anyway -- just a few hot days in mid-August. I have a few tomato plants still growing in pots out back. Got a few green ones; nothing has ripened yet (though they did get a late start).
Lots of fascinating stuff in the news these days -- too much to comment on here (without offending someone). My favorite item today is the report of an IRS ruling that rejects the "Turbo-Tax defense" to non-payment of taxes. Like so much else, those techniques only work for the Select Few.
We watched "Holy Grail" on Friday night, at Cookie and Mojo's request. I think we need to watch it a few more times: I want them to be able to recite the "annoying peasant" scene by rote in time for college -- or maybe even high school.
Oh, and like I mentioned to Moolah: you only take someone to the Everglades if you're trying to dispose of a body.