Yes, it is finally summer around here: official temperature right now is 89. Got up early, opened the windows in my sunroom, and generally had some serious quality time as we had our breakfast and got geared up for the noon Mass.
It is such a great summer day that Alane has threatened to flee -- off to visit people who think 89 degrees requires closing oneself up in air conditioning. As for me, I don't mind getting my sweat on every once in a while -- for old time's sake, if nothing else. I suppose I should be more accommodating, being that Alane went out and busted her finger yesterday at volleyball practice. Someone ought to ask her about that.
Last night we sat outside with the neighbors and had a nice little campfire at the bottom of the next door driveway: roasted some marshmallows, ate some chocolate, polished off about half a bottle of port. Good clean living.