Funny you should mention the roll of yellow tape, I almost pulled one out today. After this weekend's conference a fellow attendee and I were driving east on I-80 when he announced over the radio that he needed to take the next exit to "cut the cord," a local euphamism for brunz activity. I parked upwind of the gas station rest room "just in case." His lengthy visit caused me to consider pulling out the aforementioned roll of yellow "Do Not Enter" tape to distinguish the hot zone but in the end (no pun intended) it was safer in the car. After he was done, and we were both driving again, he got on the radio and suggested that the toilet might have stretch marks, immediately reminding me of a similar conversation a little over a week ago. Indeed, I couldn't resist asking if he had taken a photo of the prodigious log for submission to Rate My Poo but he was unprepared for his date with infamy.
Thanks to Ellie for reminding me that I hadn't shared all of the electronic photos shared with me in Spumoin South. We found some photos that we hadn't seen of Joe and Jessica's wedding, and a photo of the elusive Frylock with the Wonderdog. Looks like we're going to have to get a photo-quality printer. Thanks again to everyone for sharing your photos.
The sauce bottle to the left of this post is a special one. Spontaneous Combustion Hot Sauce is one of the early first hot sauces that we enjoyed. In fact, was the first bottle of many habanero sauces of many that our merry band finished in a recently favored bar-b-q restaraunt. Unfortunately, as a group we've seen that restaraunt, as well as far too many of our favorite bar-b-q restaraunts, close. We-b-smokin', Smoke Pitt and Buster's we shall miss you.
I don't know a thing about garbage disposals except what I read online since I never had one. While researching your sprayer problem I found tips on maintaining your garbage disposal half way down this page. Although I suspect mineral deposit buildup on the spring in your spray head that opinion might only prove why I'm not a plumber. I hope that you're ready to visit hardware stores more than once a day as I've noticed that as soon as you fix one thing something else breaks. Your worst-case scenario, a replacement, should be relatively quick and cheap. Be glad you don't live here, a very old and formerly small house that had one small addition after another. There are water pipes, sewer pipes, and electrical condiut everywhere. I expect to find water or sewer pipes connected to electrical conduit some day.