Because there's no such thing as too much cheese. Unrolling the braciole of consciousness; shaping the meatball of life. Because everything is funny; you just need to view it from the proper angle. Good for cats. Made in Poland. Because everything is like a hat. You know how those gorillas can be... Very unforgiving.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Up a little late tonight to watch the baseball game. Normally I would've crapped out mid-game but this one was a real treat -- starting in the 5th inning the audio feed from the announcers cut out, leaving just the stadium noise.
Up until that point I'd been web surfing with the game chatter mostly ignored in the background. Once the insufferable announcers were muted I found myself... watching the game. I definitely found it more enjoyable without all the hyped-up nonsense. Maybe they'll broadcast the rest of the series that way!