There is much moping these days at Berea-Rose: the Wii has bitten the dust. Reading discussion boards for DIY diagnostics, we first determined that it was a failing laser gun preventing the drive from reading the game disks. We order the part and I sat with Da Chimpz through several YouTube tutorials on tearing down the Wii, replacing the component, and putting it back together. And on Thursday night that's exactly what we did: prepping the dining room table for delicate microsurgery that lasted well over an hour (I was trying to be methodical and let them do as much of the process as I dared).
Alane had already gone to bed by the time we had it all back together, but even she knew right away (from our cries of "We don't rock!") that operation had failed. Feh. We consoled ourselves on Friday night by watching Mystery Science Theater's take on the 80s horror classic Zombie Nightmare. And this morning we started making a 3D robot in Blender. We'll figure this Wii thing out soon enough.