It's not often you can walk away from the photo line with a kid who can say, "Santa slapped me" and really mean it. Oh, and deserve it -- throwing up the gang signs while the photographer got into position was total ambush and Santa had every reason knock some heads together. We laughed our asses off, especially when the boys teamed up with their friend from school and started dancing to the Christmas music being played at this morning's Kiwani pancake and sausage breakfast.

This week Mojo once again stated his desire to have a dog. And now he has a name for the dog: Economy. His logic, if you want to call it that, is that he can then walk around sternly shouting, "Bad Economy,
baaaad Economy."
This from a kid to taped fins to a balloon to make it into a pirate zeppelin. It's not the jolly roger he penned on the side that concerns me: it's the knife-wielding rabbit he drew on the front. The kid has serious problems. He ought to go back to