This Halloween thing is getting a little too close to reality. While I was out storming the doorsteps of Middletown with Stephen and Kayleigh, Cookie was out taking care of all family business here in Berea. He looked good -- reminded me of another well-dressed fellow.

Got back here Tuesday night after a weeklong stay at and around the office. A long time to be living out of a bag; a long time to be away from Da Chimpz.
I've been taking my Voltaren much more regularly in the last couple of months -- sort-of conceding defeat and accepting that without the stuff I'm going to be miserable. And maybe even with the stuff, as it seems to have a diminishing effect on the ragged edges of my sacroiliac.
Heh. I like to say sacroiliac.
I also like to say Voltaren. Makes me think of Voltron.
Defender of the universe!