March goes out like a lamb, my ass.
And speaking of lamb, we cooked some fish last week. Here's a picture of Iron Chef Mostaccioli taking care of business. Those tuna steaks in the foreground got seared nicely -- even moreso when the cedar plank under the salmon burst into flames. All of which served the greater culinary good.
Back here at Berea-Rose, the chimps were watching a teen choice award show on a kids' network. I had considered kicking them off the TV so I could watch "Cops" or "World's Dumbest" but relented -- hey, at least this stuff was geared toward kids, right?
What crap -- it was all a bunch of enviro-crazed agitprop. As part of one "celebrity" introduction, they showed him posed with Algore while the announcer cooed that "he even drives an electric car!" After a few more minutes of "let's all save the planet" horseshit I made the executive decision: the TV goes off.
And it won't be turned on again until Thursday night. When we watch the next episode of "Smoking Gun Presents World's Dumbest." As a family.
Yeah, the boys will pick up bad humor from uncouth commentators -- but at least they won't be enlisted in a mindless (and increasingly annoying) cult of green.
Me? I like news for its entertainment value. So does writer James Lileks, who tweets: "Maybe I’m old-school, but 'President fires CEO' looks as wrong as 'Pope fires Missile.' Does not compute." Hey Lileks, it's a Brave New World out there!