Well, this is what you get when you make home loans an entitlement. It's not unique: college loans have also been an entitlement for years -- a huge, unsustainable bubble has inflated there as well. It'll pop too, someday.
These crashes are just harbingers of the entitlement crisis yet to come -- they know the crash is coming just as well as they know their policies today will only make it worse. They don't care. They want money today. Other people's money.
Madoff may have been a crook, but at least his victims were willing participants! Then again, I got a quick look at yesterday's Plain Dealer (no, I did not and would not buy a copy) and it was clear they there are plenty of willing victims out there for this grand scam. And many of them seem to be on the paper's staff.
Today it's back to work. In a little while Da Chimpz will wake up and get themselves ready for school. We saw their classrooms at yesterday's open house.
I should call Steve later today. See if he's annoyed too.
UPDATE: It appears others are noticing this phenomenon as well. Heh. Let us all link arms and sing for Dear Leader.