mmmmmm pot pie. Now could that be a moose pot pie ....if alane were the moose hunting sort? We may never know. thanks john. I like pot pie. How can you not like a meat cake.
I have neglected you oh blog. For this i apologize. C.J. is now 24lbs and ellexa is 32lbs. He is like a meatball.They say he looks like me. You be the judge. He very funny but he is still too small to play. Ellexa is not. She is quite observant and has a big personality for such little person. She went on the potty yesterday. That was amazing. Our last try at that took me 2 hours to clean. She is also taking dance lessons in school and has no fear of animals. She lifted the baby pig out of the pen

as it squeeled up a storm at the petting zoo. The funny thing is that she knows what is funny and how to tease already. She does it to my dad all the time. And this sunday i went by spumoni to return ree's hotwheels and it was quite early, 7am. I was sneaking in and out and leaving when ellexa said can i go get a toy in my room. I thought....wow great, self entertaining. She was in the room 3 seconds and grabbed her recorder, she proceeds to blow into it like she was blowing out candles. The sound was piercing. I turned and ran towards her saying stop that as she blew harder and faster while hiding it under her arm. She woke everyone. And she smiled as she did it.
Here is a short video of
Christian saying his first words.