Chech this shot. This was a tight walk.---------------->
As we walked down the alley we saw smallish bodega type establishments that were maybe 10' x 6' and were nothing more than people sitting at a counter as someone cooked on that very same counter. What they were cooking? Well????? You tell me.
Well i promised to post some interesting things i saw in Japan. First ---The department stores are enormous, often 10 - 12 floors of merchandise. High end stuff too not knockoff anything. They get insulted if you ask "were these made in china?" .All sales people are dressed like they are on the runway.So we get to matsumaya dept store 5 minutes before it opened. The employees were all standing still as a gong went off twice. All of the employees than turned to the customers waiting and bow. They then open the door and all line the entry path bowed. Really cool. AND.... In the basement of each dept store is a Stew Leonard type gourmet food marketplace selling everything from shellfish to doughnuts. I actually ate one. The funniest thing was the fruit and vegetable stand guys, they would sing and holler about there freshest stuff. it was insane. It was such a different culture.
So i did have an automatic toilet in my hotel. Heated seat- deoderizer--front and back washer. This was an awesome anenity and what stunned me was the toilets i found in public areas. they were quite different.They actuall had instructions in english on the wall. How one does not shit in thier own pants is beyond my understanding. ENJOY.